Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

Happy Fourth of July!
Even though we are in Nicaragua and usually do not feel the same "feelings" during the various holiday's that are celebrated in the USA, today I feel a little bit different. For some reason, my heart is going out to the USA and I am even more grateful for the price that our forefather's have paid for us (North Amercians). Sure, there are problems in the United States of America, but what country doesn't have their problems. Sure, people can say what they would like, but I've traveled quite a bit outside of the United States, and regardless of what people say, the United States is still a great country and a great place to live. Now don't get me wrong, I love Nicaragua and am not planning on headed back to the US to live anytime soon, but I think that today is a good day for everyone living in the United States to be grateful and take a moment to consider what it took for our nation to become the great nation that it is. And let's continue to pray together and believe that it will continue to be a great nation.......ONE NATION UNDER GOD! THE ONE TRUE GOD!

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