Wednesday, July 30, 2008


At about 6 am this morning I gave Ariana her B-Day gift from me, a cute doll, that, as you can see, is just about as big as she is. And from the moment I gave it to her, she held onto it and wouldn't put it down. Well, that was until 7 am when her grandma and grandpa Spencer came over and gave her their gift, a monkey that grunts, talks, and makes funny noises. Now the precious doll that I gave her is home all alone, because Ariana took her new monkey to school to show her friends. What's up with that? Why are grandparent's gifts always more attractive to kids than their parent's gifts? Ariana asked for a doll for her B-Day, so, like a good dad, I got her a doll. If I would have know she wanted a monkey, I could have bought a monkey suit, dressed-up in it and grunted, talked, and made funny noises all day too!

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