Tuesday, June 3, 2008


After years of not wanting to conform, I have finally succumbed to the peer pressure....I finally bought a MAC! Yes, it is true,  I've traded in the ACER and joined the MAC family.   As much as I have prided myself in using $400 to $500 laptops for the past 4-years, I just couldn't handle it any more.  The 5- minutes to boot-up and an extra 5-minutes to close down windows two or three times a day just wasn't working for me any longer, so I made an executive decision and entered the Big League.  I mean really, look at this picture, a MAC, a Blackberry, and a Starbucks Coffee.  Now I feel like I am part of corporate America......well, that is until I get back to Nicaragua and can't buy a Starbucks and can't find a WiFi connection, but until then, I will make a pretty good poser!

1 comment:

Me..... said...

Joel and I are so glad that we were able to share that moment of joy with you. Welcome to the mac world. By the way, what is an Acer?