Wednesday, June 25, 2008

4 Days Without H2O and Counting

Yep, that's right. It has been 4 days now that we have been without water and we're still not sure that things are being resolved. Shanna keeps calling the water company and they keep promising us that the water will be on by the evening. Sure it will, but what evening are they referring to? Because here we are entering into another evening and I still haven't received a call from my wife stating that the water is back on. You know, to go without electricity really isn't too, too bad. Sure, I would prefer not to be without it, but one can live a semi-normal life by planning your day out and knowing what needs to be done before the sun goes down. However, going without water just stinks. (No pun intended either). You can't shower, you can't clean the dishes, you can only cook certain foods, you can't flush the toilet, you can't rinse your tooth brush, you can't even give your dogs something to drink! But like I've said so many other times, this too shall pass.
I guess one positive thing out of this is that I feel like a real missionary now!

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