Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Our Newly Painted Kitchen

Horacio finished painting our kithen a little while back, but I kept forgetting to upload the pictures. However, I saw the camera on the shelf when I was walking out the door this morning and remembered that I needed to upload pictures onto my laptop. No not onto the MAC, but onto my Acer. For all you MAC fans out there, as you may recall, I did purchase a MAC the last time I was in the States and my wife did use it for about 3 weeks, however, for the last 2 weeks it has been in the shop. And it looks like we will be waiting another week or two until we get it back. Hmmm, I purchase a MAC and can't even use it for more than 3 weeks before it has to go to the shop, but I've owned Acers (3 of them to be exact) for the last 4 years and not once had a problem with them! And you guys want me to give up my Blackberry and go with the IPhone, now I know that you are all smoking some of that funny stuff that they grow up der n dem der heels n Kentucky.


Me..... said...

okay... first of all, the kitchen is amazing! Beautiful! Second, I have had three macs with no problems!! and an iphone with no problems! Maybe it secretly knows you think Acers are better! Actually, I do feel pretty bad that your Mac experience has not been like the rest of us diehard fans.

Eric said...

Correction, you did have a problem with your MAC.....remember when you spilled coffee on it and had it in the shop for repairs. That wouldn't happen with an ACER. In fact, I left a bag of Nacatamales on top of my ACER during the service the other day and chicken juice ran all over the computer and guess what, not one problem. In fact, not only does my ACER still function, it now taste like chicken!

Me..... said...

Okay.... the coffee was my sweet little three year olds fault.... that's right! I said it.. I blame my children before blaming the Mac. How is that for loyalty!!

Eric said...

You know, if you had an ACER, you wouldn't have to blame anyone!

Me..... said...

I would also be a loser!

Eric said...

OUCH! That hurts. But hey, if the shoes fits, go ahead and wear it!:)

jefferyadavidson said...

the question is why do u have three acers? wow the house looks great.. i wish i would have seen it when i was down there

Eric said...

I have 3 ACERS because I have one at the office, my assistant uses one, and my wife has one at the house,,,,which is obviously very smart since the MAC doesn't get the job done. And the best part is, I paid less for the 3 ACERS than I did for 1 MAC! (I may be a little obsessive compulsive too)