Friday, May 16, 2008

And Fridays Are My Days Off?

You know, I just don't understand how my Fridays, which are my "Days Off," always end up like this. From 7:15 am to 8:30 am Shanna and I met with the students in our Pastor's School, then from 8:30 am to 10:30 am we met with individual students from the school and signed checks. From there we did make it to Rosti Pollo for breakfast, but guess what, we talked about ministry related stuff almost the entire time. After breakfast we drove around looking for a desk and bookshelf for my office, but unfortunately everything was too expensive. From there we picked Ariana up from school (12:00) and headed home. Shortly after arriving at the Ferguson residence, we had a visit from our intern. Believe it or not though, no more work took place (okay, there were a few text messages and emails on the blackberry) until we dropped the kids off at a birthday party (3:00 pm) and headed to the church to pick up a few things. Once at the church, we talked to a few pastors and signed more checks. From the office we headed back to the party and after the party, we headed to Tae Kwon Do (5:00 pm to 7:00 pm). On arriving home from Tae Kwon Do, I managed to slip upstairs and get some good prayer time in, because at 8:30 pm I was going to minister to a group of leaders form the Young Married's group at church. So from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm I found myself in a work-related situation again. Of course I actually love ministering to people, so I didn't actually perceive it as work. However, for Fridays being my "Day Off," they sure never seem to be a "Day Off!" The crazy thing is that today was actually a fairly work free Friday when compared to other Fridays. Maybe I should have said a big ole TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS-The picture was taken from my phone at the close of the meeting. Aldrin Reyes is closing the meeting with a prayer of blessing.

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